CoinZoom Quick Facts
Established in US in 2018
Customers in 169 Countries
51.5% Customers in US, 48.5% International
Accepted at 130 Million Merchants worldwide
1 Million + ATM locations
Our Vision
We see a world where anyone can send, spend, save, and invest without barriers
Our Mission
To enable financial freedom for millions worldwide.

Our commitment to Security
Safeguarding your funds and personal information is our priority.
All customers are verified and are secured with multi-factor authentication
Additional protection and customer care for vulnerable customers
Fully SOC 2 Accredited to Enterprise Data Standards
Regulated & Compliant
CoinZoom, Inc. is a U.S. Registered Money Services Business with FinCen in all 50 states and territories. MSB Registration Number: 31000160686786. CoinZoom and its wholly-owned subsidiaries also have specific U.S. Money Transmitter Licenses and are also licensed as a Digital Currency Exchange in Australia.
CoinZoom in the News
CoinZoom® Partners & Service Providers
We’re partnering with the best in the business to bring crypto to the mainstream. Join us in bridging the gap by providing digital assets to the masses.